Supporting investors, promoting relations

The main task of the Macedonian Honorary Consulate in Mainz is the promotion of economic and trade relations between Germany and Macedonia.

Support from the very first beginning
We are the consultants for German companies offering all kind of advice: from the establishing of initial contacts with Macedonian authorities and institutions, such as the chamber of commerce or technology centers, till the start of the investor’s business.

Our services include:
• Promotion of economic and trade relations between Macedonia
  and Germany within the jurisdiction of Rhineland-Palatinate
• Representation of the Macedonian interests in the political, economic and cultural fields
• Promotion of the economic and political goals at the local level
• Support of the dialogue between the Macedonian and German communities
• Providing information to the Macedonian authorities in terms of changes
  in trade, economic, and cultural areas within the jurisdiction of the consulate.

In addition, we are also available for individual questions. If you are interested in sharing experiences with other German companies (investors), we will also gladly establish an appropriate contact.

More information can be found at:
Invest in Macedonia (en)
youtube ads (en)
Exploring Macedonia (en)
Department of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia (en)